“Today, France is the European country that artificializes its land the most, at a rate four times faster than population growth. Today, this phenomenon is one of the main factors behind the acceleration of climate change and the erosion of biodiversity.
Where they still exist, urban soils are of poor quality and not very fertile. In the Île-de-France region, the availability of fertile planted land is also declining. It is becoming urgent to preserve our soils.
Water is a scarce resource. Climatic events show us the extent to which we need to consider water shortages as much as water surpluses. It’s up to us to do everything we can to ensure that water doesn’t become a waste product, but a resource to be valorized, and to use water paths as a potential means of expanding nature in the city. The result is fertile soil, essential to the development of vegetation and a guarantee of well-being in an urban environment.
As designers, we have a crucial role to play in changing the way we conceive of cities and buildings. In ecosystems as in our bodies, if we lose our health.”
Nathalie Leroy & Hugo Cruz Ramos
On Thursday May 23, 2024, Nathalie Leroy and Hugo Ramos – Microbiologist and Professor of Biotechnology – will be at the National School of Architecture Paris La Villette (ENSAPLV), invited to present their research on soil and water at a lecture.