Arte Charpentier has more than 120 employees from 15 different nationalities, including 20 associates, in Paris, Lyon and Shanghai

Sixth sense

Arte Charpentier knows how to bring its teams together, by allowing each one to take initiatives, to create, and to exercise responsibilities.
Each team of employees collaborates on a shared project. This operation involves organisation and practices built on exchange and dialogue. It promotes initiative, creativity and cohesion in the service of a single project. This freedom provided by Arte Charpentier is a source of individual and collective wealth.

Andrew Hobson

Associate Architect, Chairman



Bachelor of Arts, First Class Honours Degree – University of Westminster

Diploma – Architectural Association


Registered Architect, UK

Royal Institute of British Architects

Member of the Ordre des Architectes, France

Jérôme Le Gall

Associate Architect,
Architecture Director



Architect DPLG with jury’s congratulations – École Paris-la-Seine
Scholarship from the Lounsberry foundation, USA.

Master of Science in Architecture and Urban Design – Columbia University, New York


Member of the Académie d’Architecture

Expert Architect for the Conseil Régional d’Ile de France


Prize winner of the Académie d’Architecture de Paris in 1985


École Polytechnique Féminine

Organisme de l’Acier for the use of structural steel in building

École Centrale Paris


Belleville School of Architecture: «Cradle to Cradle»

Languages: English, French

stéphanie de kervenoael siac, team

Stéphanie de Kervenoaël-Siac

Associate Architect, Director of Human Resources

Deputy Principal


Masters in Urban Management – École supérieure des sciences économiques et commerciales (1996)

Architect DPLG – Paris-Villemin School of Architecture (1991)

abbès tahir, team

Abbès Tahir

Associate Architect
Architecture Director

Deputy Principal


Architect D.P.L.G

Studied architecture at the Paris-Villemin school, ex U.P.A. 1

Registered with the Order of French Architects


Member of the Academy of Architecture

Founder member of the association “Amis du Lutétia”


Art and Literature Officer

Languages: English, French

raquel milagres, team

Raquel Milagres

Architect-Engineer, Associate
Operations Director


Higher Studies Degree in Commercial Real Estate – Université Paris 1 Sorbonne (2005)

Masters in Management DESS, Project Management option – Conservatoire Nationale des Arts et Metiers (CNAM) – Paris (2001)

Certificate of Specialised Studies in Urban Architecture – École d’Architecture de Paris-Belleville (ENSAPB) (1996)

Architect Engineer Diploma – Minas Gerais Federal University School of Architecture, Belo Horizonte, Brazil (1994)

nathalie leroy, actualités

Nathalie Leroy

Landscape Designer, Associate
Landscape Director


Landscape Architect DPLG – École Nationale Supérieure du Paysage de Versailles

Textile Design Diploma – École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Paris

antonio frausto, team

Antonio Frausto

Associate Architect,
Architecture Director


DPLG Architecture Diploma with jury’s congratulations – School of Architecture, UNAM, Mexico (2002)

Visual Arts studies – UNAM, Faculty of Arts & Design (1992-1994)


École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, since 2007

Pedagogical Director at the École d’Art Américaine in Fontainebleau, since 2006


National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM

Hong-Ik University, Seoul, South Korea

Paris- Belleville School of Architecture

École d’Architecture de la Ville et des Territoires in Marne-la-Vallée

Higher Institute of Civil Engineering, ESTP


Agora d’Evry / public facilities

Wellbuilding 2050 international competition


Administrator for AFEX (French Architects Overseas)

Head of Latin-American working group

pierre clément, team

Pierre Clément

Architect & Urbanist, Associate, Researcher, Administrator



Architect DPLG – École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris

Diploma – Institut des Langues et Civilisations Orientales

PhD in Ethnology, with first class honours – Paris la Sorbonne


Professor at Paris-Belleville School of Architecture since 1984


Director of the Institut Parisien de Recherche Architecture Urbanistique & Sociétés (IPRAUS – Joint Research Unit CNRS AUS)

Former Vice-Président of the Institut Français d’Architecture

Member of the Académie d’Architecture

Urban Planner of the French Society of Urban Planners


Medal of the Royal Order of Sahametrei, awarded by the King of Cambodia (2013)


De l’Architecture à la Ville, ICI, 2012, Wenyi Zhou and Pierre Chambron – foreword

Bâtir la Ville et créer l’urbanité, Le Mécène, 2009, Antonio Frausto, Claire Néron and Pierre Clément

Vientiane, architecture d’une capitale, with S.Clément −Charpentier, Paris, Recherches/IPRAUS, collection Cahiers de l’IPRAUS, 2010

Arte Charpentier and partners, Dalian University of Technology Press, 2005 Arte Charpentier, éditions du regard, 2003

Patricia Becker Giovannini

Architect, Associate


Architect HMONP – École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris Val de Seine (ENSAPVS) (2012)

Architect – Double diploma : École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris Val de Seine (ENSAPVS) and Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil (2011)

Social Communication diploma  – Advertising and marketing skills – Positivo University, Curitiba, Brazil (2013-2014)

Nazim Belblidia

Architect, Associate


Masters in Specialist Development, Modelisation & Environment – Centre de Recherche en Architecture et Ingénierie (CRAI) – École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Nancy (ENSA) (2011)

Architect –  ENSA Nancy (2011)

Architect – Diploma with first class honours – École Polytechnique d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme (EPAU), Algiers (2008)


Member of the Ordre National des Architectes, Algiers (2008)


AMC n°198 June July 2010, page 10.

Le moniteur n°5575 du 1st October 2010, page 63

Vivian Cloez

Architect, Associate


Architect D.P.L.G – Ecole supérieure d’architecture de Paris-La Villette (2006)

DEA – Architectural and Urban Project – Theories and Devices – Ecoles d’architecture de Paris-Belleville, La Villette, Malaquais et Université Paris 8 (2005)

DPEA – Architecture of territories and urban projects – Ecoles d’architecture de Paris-Belleville, La Villette et Malaquais (2005)

Diploma of architect and urban planner – Federal University of Minas Gerais – UFMG, Belo Horizonte / Brazil (1999)


Michela Donato

Architect, Associate


Architect HMONP– École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Lyon (ENSAL) (2015)
Architect – École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Lyon (ENSAL) (2014)
Master 1 – Erasmus mobility scheme – École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Lyon (2013)
Bachelors’, Architecture – University of Genoa, Faculty of Architecture, Italy (2011)

Vincent Gouget

Architect, Associate


Graduate of the École d’Architecture de Paris-Belleville (1998)

Quentin Groslier

Architect, Associate


École d’Architecture Paris- Villemin (received with the congratulations of the jury).
Graduation project: “Confronting urban risks: an emergency centre in peri-urban areas.”

Languages: French – English

Nahla Jajo-Legrand

Architect, Associate
Regional Director Africa & Middle East


Canadian Architectural Certification Board

Architect – Faculty of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Iraq

Sylvain Van Rechem

Architect, Associate


Architect H.M.O.N.P – École d’Architecture de la Ville et des Territoires à Marne la Vallée (2016)

Architecture State Diploma – École d’Architecture de la Ville et des Territoires, Marne la Vallée (2014)


French Pavilion, Venice Architecture Biennale, N°13 Common Ground, Venice, IT (2012), Under the direction of Yves Lion

Vincent Lempereur

Architect, Associate


D.E.A.A. Cultural Facilities – Studios J. Perrotet / V. Fabre (1988)

D.P.L.G. of the Architecture School of Paris Villemin (1987)

Michel Mourlot

Architect, Associate


Urban Planning & Development specialized higher studies diploma (DESS) – l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (1987)

Architect DPLG – chaired by Antoine Grumbach and directed by Jean-Pierre Buffi (1984)

Mingding Pan

Architect & urban planner, Associate, Regional Director China


Exective Master of Business Administration – HEC Paris (2023)

Architect HMONP (2013)

Architect – École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Toulouse (2012)

Architect – Wuhan University of Technology, China (2010)


François Meyer Lévy Prize winner for Best French Diploma, Medal of the Académie d’Architecture, France (2013)

Skills and expertise permit awarded by Minister for Home Affairs, France (from 2013)

First prize winner of the international competition for the Transformation of the Industrial Landscape to the north of Gui Mountain, Wuhan, China


« Être architecte en Chine : De la résidence à la morphologie urbaine contemporaine chinoise », Édition Universitaire Européenne 2016, Head of publication : Christine Alexandre DOUNET

« Six mois en Chine », École Nationale Supérieured’Architecture de Toulouse 2011, Head of publication : Christine Alexandre DOUNET

Stéphane Quigna

Interior Design Director


Interior Design – École CAMONDO (1995)

Preparatory studies  – École Supérieure de Design Industriel (1989)

Godefroy Saint-Georges

Architect, Associate


Architect HMONP with first class honours – École Spéciale d’Architecture de Paris (2011)

Exchange with University of Cin­cinnati, Ohio, USA (2007)

Camila Scalisi

Architect, Associate


Architect – Faculty of Architecture, Design et Urbanism (FADU) of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Argentina

Baccalauréat Corporate Administration – Escuela Técnica Philips (ITPA), Buenos Aires, Argentina

Jérôme Van Overbeke

Associate Architect


Architect DESA – École Spéciale d’Architecture de Paris (1987)

École des Beaux-Arts à Mulhouse (1983)

Jean-François Bailleux

Construction Director


Architect HMONP – École d’Architecture de Lyon (2008)

Masters in Architecture – École d’Architecture de Lyon (2007)

Architect DPLG – École d’Architecture Paris (UP1) (1996)

National Arts and Techniques Diploma in Interior Design– École des Beaux-Arts de Reims (1986)

Jing Ke



Master of Architecture – École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris Val de Seine (2015)
Bachelor of Architecture – École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris Val de Seine (2013)
Bachelor of Urban Planning – Jianghan University, China (2010)

Abderrahman Ech Chikh



Architect H.M.O.N.P. – Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Paris-La Villette (2022)
State Architect – Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Paris-La Villette (2019)
Master 1 – University of Sheffield, England (2018)
Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Paris-La Villette (2017)
Université Libre de Bruxelles La Cambre Horta, Belgium (2016)

Alexandre Maneval



Architect DPLG – Paris-Villemin School of Architecture, former UPA 1 (1988)


Treasurer General of Franco-British Union of Architects

Member of the Société Française des Architectes

Anne Jouve



Diplôme d’architecte D.E. – ULB – Faculté de La Cambre-Horta – Brussels, Belgium (2021)
Master 1 in Architecture – Sungkyunkwan University – Seoul, South Korea (2020)
Bachelor of Architecture – ULB – Faculté de La Cambre-Horta – Brussels, Belgium (2019)
Année préparatoire aux grandes écoles d’architecture – Ateliers Tocqueville – Paris (2016)

Audrey Cyprien



Master 2 « Architecture, atmospheres and digital cultures » – National School of Architecture of Grenoble (2017)
Master of Architecture – University of Rome Sapienza (2016)
Bachelor of Architecture – National School of Architecture of Grenoble (2015)
Professional License « Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Buildings » – I.U.T. of Saint-Nazaire (2013)
D.U.T. Civil engineering option building – I.U.T. from Saint-Nazaire (2012)

Benjamin Mahieu

Interior Design


Master of Interior Design – Ecole des Arts Décoratifs de Paris (2012)

Graphic Arts diploma – Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Lille (2008)

Bruno Carracoi



Accounting Manager (RNCP certified CPN61) – Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM)

Master’s Degree in Accounting, Control and Audit – CNAM (2015)

BTS Technical Degree in Accounting and Management (1995)

Baccalauréat G2 (Accounting and Management) (1993)

Camilla Paleari

Landscape Designer


Architect DPLG – Polytechnic School of Turin (2003)

Training at Museum de Paris

Carole Azzi



DSA Architecture et Patrimoine – École Nationale Supérieure d’architecture Paris Belleville (ENSAPB) (2017)

DES (specialist studies) in Architecture – ALBA : Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts, Beirut, Lebanon (2012)
Final degree project « Cité de Musique de Beyrouth »

Baccalauréat science section – with distinction – Lycée Français Nahr Ibrahim, Lebanon (2005)


Charlène Vurlod



Architect HMONP – Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-Malaquais (2020)
Architect DE – Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-Malaquais (2016)


China Academy of Art – Hangzhou (China) – Under the direction of Wang Shu

Christian Atry



Architect DPLG – Paris-Conflans School of Architecture, Charenton-Le-Pont, Val de Marne (1989)

clémence rabin le gall, team

Clémence Rabin Le Gall

Interior Design


CAMONDO School of Interior Design Diploma (2017)

Dilpoma in Visual Arts and Art Sciences – Faculty 04 of the Université Paris 1 Sor­bonne, Centre Saint-Charles (2002)

2nd year of Architecture – Paris Val de Seine (2003)

Painting Workshop – Ateliers des Beaux Arts Glacière (2004)




Danxi Luo

Architect, Shanghai


Master of Architecture – Tongji University, Shanghai, China (2017)

Intermediate Engineer (Architectural Design) (2014)

Bachelor of Architecture – Sanjiang University (2009)


Edouard Tomasini

Human Resources


Master’s degree in Human Resources Management and Direction – IGS-RH Paris (2021)
Bachelor’s degree in HR fundamentals – IGS-RH Paris / University of Sherbrooke, Montreal (2018)


Director of an associative unit for youth (2017-2019)
Animator for young people with disabilities (2016)
Humanitarian trip to Romania (2015)
evangelos batagiannis

Evangelos Batagiannis



Architect H.M.O.N.P. – Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris la Villette (2016)
Architect D.E. – Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture, Paris Val de Seine (2015)
Bachelor’s degree in Architecture – Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris val de seine (2012)


“Ancient, modern and contemporary heritage” – François Gruson

Frederic Chalco



Architect DPLG – Paris La Villette UP6

georges souaid

Georges Souaid



Master in Architecture – ENSA Versailles, France (2022)
Bachelor’s degree in Architecture, with honors – Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts-ALBA, Beirut, Lebanon (2019)

Hélène Garcia



National Superior Diploma of Plastic Arts – Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris (2012)
Bachelor’s degree, Erasmus exchange – Central St-Martins of London (2011)
Bachelor of Fine Arts – Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris (2010)

Jasmine Frossard

Interior Design


Architect HMONP – École nationale d’architecture de Strasbourg (2008)
Architect – École nationale d’architecture de Strasbourg (ENSAS) (2007)
ERASMUS Programme – Polytechnic University of Alicante – Spain (2005-2006)
Museography & Scenography Option – Atelier Danièle Pauly – Jérôme Habersetzer – Phillipe Miesch – Guy Claude François (2004-2005)


Founding member of the association «Collectif 52»


One of 10 shortlisted for the Rhénan of Architectural Photography Competition 2004

Jean-Frédérick Loko



Architect’s degree (with honors) – École nationale supérieure d’architecture de ParisVal de Seine (2013)
PFE: Business incubator project specialised in Biotechnology in Compiègne

École supérieure d’art moderne de Paris (2006-2007)
École Condé Paris (2005 – 2006)


Winner of the BIM Contest 2016 (3rd place) organised by Polantis

Jérémy Delahaie



Architecte DPLG – Diploma with first class honours and congratulations from the jury – École d’Architecture de Bretagne (2006)
Creation of an exchange with Rio de Janeiro School of Architecture and receipt of 2nd year diploma (2004)
Diploma in architecture for first year – École d’Architecture de Bretagne (2001)
Baccalauréat science section (1998)

Julie Dumet



Master cultural production and financing – IESA Paris (2018)

International Bachelor of cultural property and events promotion – ICART Bordeaux (2016)

Karim Hachemi



PhD Dissertation Preparation (Green Neighbourhood Systems and Concepts) (since 2014)

Diploma of Magister (Mastesr II) with honors. Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning of the University of Setif in Algeria (2012)

Option: Habitat, sustainable development.
Theme: Study of eco-districts and analysis of their influence on the quality of urban life.

State Architect Diploma (with honors) – Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning of the University of Setif in Algeria (2005)
Option: urban project.
Theme: Improvement of the Porte de Montreuil.

Applied English – University of Boumerdes (1997)

Léa Blanc

Interior Design


CFSAI Architecte d’intérieur – EFET Architecture d’intérieur, Paris (2017)

BTS Agencement – Ecole Boulle, Paris (2014)

Liang Jia

Assistant, Shanghai


Intermediate Economist (Business Administration) (2016)
Intermediate Commercial Secretary (2007)
Bachelor of Arts, South China University and Technology (2004)

Lise Noel

Interior Design


Interior Design Assistant – École Boulle

BTS Technical Degree in trilingual secretarial studies

Baccalauréat A5 – trilingual proficiency

Luc Jouy



Architect DPLG – École d’Architecture de Montpellier (1984)

Luo Zexiu

Urban planner, Shanghai

Bachelor of Urban planning, Henan Institute of Science and Technology (2011)

Maelle Cabio'ch

Interior design


Master in Design & Transculturality – Ecole de Design Nantes Atlantiques – Shanghai, China (2015)
Bachelor’s degree in Space Design – Ecole de Design Nantes Atlantiques – Nantes, France (2013)
MANAA – Superior Institute of Applied Arts (LISAA) – Paris, France (2010)

Maëva Richer

Architect HMONP


Architect HMONP– École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture (ENSAP), Paris-Val de Seine (2015)

Architect – ENSAP, Paris-Val de Seine (2011)

Mahaut de la Tousche



Architect H.M.O.N.P. – ENSA Paris-Malaquais (2011)
Architecture D.E. – ENSA Paris-Malaquais (2010)
Erasmus, Master 1 – University of Architecture of Florence, (2008)

Marion Prevost

Landscape Designer


Landscape designer D.E. – Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture et de Paysage de Lille (2018)
BTS Space Design – Superior School of Applied Arts and Textile of Roubaix (2015)
MàNAA – Marc Chagall High School of Reims (2013)

Martin Jover



Architect HMONP – École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Paris Val de Seine (2013)

Architect – École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Paris Val de Seine (2012)

Mathilde Charee

Landscape Designer


Landscape Designer DPLG – École nationale supérieure de paysage de Versailles (2016)

BTS Technical Degree in Space Design – Institut Supérieur des Arts Appliqués de Nantes (2012)

Mise-à-niveau des Arts Appliqués (Upgrade studies in Applied Arts) (MANAA) – Institut Supérieur des Arts Appliqués de Nantes (2010)

Baccalauréat literature section, arts option – École Charles de Foucault, Brest (2009)

Mathilde Grand



Double degree in architecture and urban planning (2021)
Thesis: “Impacting inhabitants’ social capital by creating hospitality spaces in Shanghai” – Tongji University, Shanghai,
PFE : “Weaving links in the canuts” – Mention Bien – ENSA-V, Versailles, France

Mayssaa Klink



Architect D.E. – Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Versailles (ENSA-V) Versailles, France (2022)

Master 2 History “Architecture and its territories” – Grant “Young Researchers” – Research Laboratory of the Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Versailles (LéaV), University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
(UVSQ) and Graduate School Humanities-Heritage Sciences (GS HSP), Université Paris-Saclay Versailles, France (2021)
Bachelor of Architecture – Valedictorian – merit scholarship – Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts (ALBA) Beirut,
Lebanon (2019)


Multicomfort Student Contest Weber Saint-Gobain International Edition – Milan, Italy (2019)
Translated with (free version)

Michel Katseli

Architect DPLG


Architect D.P.L.G. – École d’architecture de Paris-La-Seine (formerly UPA9) (1989)

Brevet de Technicien: Exécution de Travaux (Technician’s diploma in Construction works) – École Saint-Lambert (1981)



Nour Alareth



Architect D.E. – Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris (2021)

Diploma of Architect – Faculty of Architecture, AlBaath University, Syria (2015)

Pauline Grzelka



Habilitation to the Maitrîse d’Oeuvre en son Nom propre – Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris-La Vilette (2019)
Architect and engineer in urban engineering – Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris-La Vilette and Ecole des ingénieurs de la ville de Paris (2018)


Finalist of the Tony Garnier Prize (2019)
Project entitled: High ways to Chelles: Reconquest of railway and river infrastructures for a mixed activity-housing in a flood zone.


Paris Mercosur 2015
Intensive workshop in Montevideo: Large Urban Projects
as a tool for socio-territorial integration.

Pauline Rabin Le Gall

Landscape Designer


Landscape Architect DPLG (2005) – École Nationale Supérieure du Paysage de Versailles (1999)

Diploma in History of Art & Archeology – Paris IV La Sorbonne

Peng Xuyun

Architect, Shanghai


Senior Engineer (Architectural Design)(2016)

1st Class Registered Architect (PRC) (2010)

Master of Architecture, DaLian University of Technology (2005)

Bachelors of Architecture, Taiyuan  University of Technology  (2002)

Philippe Sécheresse

IT Assistant


Network Technician Training

BTS Technical Degree apprenticeship in « Superior technical studies in Computer Maintenance & Networks »

Rita Touma

Architect & Urban Planner


Specialized Master in Sustainable Urban Project Management – Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Montpellier (2021)
Master’s degree in Architecture from the Holy Spirit University – School of Architecture and Design – Kaslik, Lebanon (2020)
Bachelor of Architecture from Université Saint Esprit – School of Architecture and Design – Kaslik, Lebanon (2018)


1st prize Saint Gobain at the Lebanese national level – Multi-comfort student competition (2019)
Proposal of a vision for the rejuvenation and urban reconnection of the Crescenzago metro station (Milano 2030), designed in accordance with the 4 standards of comfort “walk, breathe, hear and see” – Concept based on sustainable elements: environment, structure, façade, materials, integration with nature.

Romaric Perrot



Habilitation in project management in its own name – Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-La Vilette (2015)
Graduate architect – Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-La Vilette (2014)
Sangbeom Hong

Sangbeom Hong



Architect D.E. – ENSA Paris-Belleville (2020)
Bachelor of Architecture – ENSA Paris-Belleville (2017)
Silvia Pucci, landscape designer

Silvia Pucci

Landscape Designer


Postgraduate diploma in applied studies (DESA) – honorable mention – University of Venice (IUAV) (2016)

Final Design Project: Landscape and Garden Project
Master’s in Architecture – University of Florence (2010)

Final Design Project: Public Space and Accessibility: Reflections and Projects
ERASMUS programme – Technical University of Valladolid, Spain (2007-2008)


First Prize Filo Collectif Competition – Development Project for Ex-Stianti de San Casciano (2015)
First Prize Filo Collectif Competition – Urban Renewal Project for the Former Industrial Zone of Castiglione del Lago (2013)
Quart Progetti Competition special mention – Project for the Renovation of the Historic Town Defenses of Massa Maritima (2010)
First Prize Studio Giorgieri Competition – Project for an Urban Park in Pistoia (2009)


Workshop with Michael Van Gessel – ‘In Between, projects and urban fragments’ – Italian Centre of Architecture (ACMA), Milan
Workshop in Vallée du Draa – Earthen Architecture: tradition and innovation – University of Florence and Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech
Urban Project Workshop by Valka/Valga – ‘Trespass : architecture et urban planning – Technical University of Riga, Lettonia


Invited speaker and jury member at the Lorenzo de’ Medici Institute (LdM) and the International Studies Institute (ISI) Florence, Italy


Co-founder of Filo – Architect and Landscape Architect Group – Florence and Paris
Collaborator with the Acces-sos collective – Collectif temporaire entre Quart Progetti, Studio Florence
Collaborator with Quart Progetti – Florence


DIECI Design éco-friendly cities – Florence – Creation of a database of sustainable towns and districts.

Soizic Kenfort

Landscape Designer


Architect – Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-Val-de- Seine (ENSAPVS) (2010)


Habiter écologique (ecological living) – Student competition organised by the Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine – Paris, France (2008)
Mini-Maousse – Student competition organised by the Institut Français d’Architecture – Paris, France (2006)


Architectes de l’urgence – Assistance training for victims of natural, technological and human disasters – Paris, France (2009)
ABCDE Vietnam – Student humanitarian mission in Vietnam and Cambodia – Vinh, Vietnam (2005)
Sourires Indiens – Student humanitarian mission in support of the Père Ceyrac Association – Madurai, India (2004)

Vincent Boreux



D.P.L.G. : Ecole d’Architecture de Paris La Villette, PARIS (2006)
Diploma: A college in Guyana: Application of theory in bioclimatic design.

D.E.F.A. : Ecole d’Architecture de Charenton – UP4, PARIS (1995)

Weijun Kong



MArch Urban Design – University College London (UCL) (2021)

Bachelor of Architecture – Civil Engineering and Architecture Department – Wuhan University Of Technology (WHUT), Chine (2020)

youngnan yoo

Youngnan Yoo



Architect H.M.O.N.P. – Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’architecture de Strasbourg (2019)
Architect D.E. – Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’architecture de Strasbourg (2017)
Master of Architecture – Korea National University of Transportation (2010)
Bachelor of Architecture – Korea National University of Transportation (2008)

Wang Junmei

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